MetaFLOs Reagenzien helfen Ihnen bei der Einhaltung der neuen Ontario-Vorschriften für überschüssige Böden
All across Canada, municipal and provincial governments have been adjusting regulations pertaining to excess soils. This is largely due to recognition of soil as a valuable commodity. Soil provides habitats for organisms, filters and stores water, supports plant growth, and even more. In Ontario, new “on-site and excess soil management” regulations took effect in January, 2021. So what are these new regulations? I’m going to break them down and let you know how MetaFLO’s reagents can help you comply with them.
What’s Changed?
The most notable change is related to Ontario’s waste designation. Let’s skip the legal jargon and break down the new excess soil designation criteria:
- The excess soil is directly transported to a reuse site from one of the following:
- Class 1 soil management site → a soil bank storage site or a soil processing site.
- Class 2 soil management site → a waste disposal site, operated by the project leader, at which excess soil is managed on a temporary basis.
- Local waste transfer facility
- The reuse site has consented in writing to accept the excess soil
- Must be dry and remains dry until it is placed at the reuse site
- Must be beneficially reused within two years of being accepted at the reuse site
How Can MetaFLO help?
MetaFLO’s reagents help in situations involving liquid/soil slurries:
- Oil & gas drilling
- Hydrograbung
- Environmental or wastewater sludge
- Storm drainage collection ponds
Whether the slurries are clear or contaminated, the product solidifies liquid waste in minutes, turning it into a dry, stackable solid soil. The solidified material has the following characteristics:
- Mülldeponiefreundlich
- Passes all toxicity and paint filter criteria
- Passes slump tests
- Can safely go to landfills directly from site or after treatment at a transfer station
Further, MetaFLO’s reagents far outperform conventional solidification methods, such as adding sawdust or lime, in terms of environmental benefits. Want to learn more about how adopting MetaFLO’s products into your liquid waste management operations will reduce your environmental impact? Visit our page on the environmental benefits of treating liquid waste.
Thanks for joining us as we all become more comfortable with new excess soil regulations!