Super Copper and MetaFLO Announce Joint Venture to Develop Biopolymer Solutions for Copper Mining
SUPER COPPER CORP, a mining exploration company advancing high-potential copper assets, entered into a definitive strategic development agreement establishing a joint venture with MetaFLO Technologies, a leader in industrial biopolymer technologies.
Seguir leyendoMetaFLO and TestWorks Partner to Enhance Metallurgical Testing for Mining
MetaFLO Technologies is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Testwork, a company renowned for its expertise in gold extraction processes and effluent treatment. With a highly equipped process laboratory and extensive experience in the mining sector, Testwork has become a trusted partner for gold companies in Brazil, solidifying its…
Seguir leyendoMetaFLO Business Innovation Day: Innovation and Sustainability in Focus in Minas Gerais
On November 21st in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, we hosted the MetaFLO Business Innovation Day – an exclusive event that brought together top specialists and leaders from the mining and infrastructure sectors to explore MetaFLO Technologies’ innovative solutions. The spotlight was on our SoilTech and DusTech biopolymers, which showcased MetaFLO’s groundbreaking…
Seguir leyendoMetaFLO participates in Paving Expo 2024, showcasing sustainable solutions for the future of pavement engineering
We had the opportunity to share our innovative and sustainable solutions at Paving Expo 2024 in São Paulo, Brazil.
Seguir leyendoMetaFLO at Roads, Bridges & Tunnels MENA 2024
The Roads, Bridges & Tunnels MENA Conference 2024 brought together leaders and innovators in infrastructure to address the region’s rapidly growing transportation needs. Held in Dubai on October 21-22, the event showcased developments in road, bridge, and tunnel projects across MENA. With countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia investing…
Seguir leyendoVisítenos en la feria NASTT No-Dig Show 2023 en Portland, Oregón
Metaflo Technologies asiste a la NASTT 2023 No-Dig Show, la mayor conferencia de tecnología sin zanja en América del Norte, donde miles de profesionales asisten para aprender nuevos métodos y técnicas que ahorrarán dinero y mejorarán la infraestructura.
Seguir leyendoMetaFLO asistirá a la Conferencia y Exposición de la UCT
El 13 de julio, MetaFLO Technologies asistirá a la Conferencia y Exposición de Tecnología de Construcción Subterránea. Siga leyendo para saber más sobre el evento y cómo puede conectar con nosotros en la UCT.
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