Solidificación de sedimentos de estanques de aguas pluviales
Estudio de caso
The naturally occurring sediment in this storm water management pond had exceeded the pond’s designed capacity. The regional conservation authority planned the remediation of this pond to involve the removal of this sediment. The volume of sediment to be removed was very large, thus the cost to transport and dispose of this wet muck would be very costly. It was determined that on site solidification would be a better option, allowing for the removal of this waste stream as a solid.
A MetaFLO distributor was sourced as the provider of the best value reagent solution, using MF006 requiring a lower reagent dose to meet the required solids criteria for transportation. Additionally, the MF006 proprietary formula is environmentally friendly adding no contaminants / impurities which would diminish the solidified waste’s status for beneficial reuse options.
The MetaFLO distributor received their order and was able to provide product on the next day! MetaFLO personnel visited the site as well to provide guidance on dose rates and best proven methods for application to ensure the client received the best overall value. The project was successfully completed on time.

Owner: Vale Canada Ltd.
Contractor: Tervita Corp.
Distributor: Di-Corp

Vale owns and operates a mining site in Northern Ontario, Canada. Through their mining and refining activities they produce a sludge waste by-product. The clients were in need of an efficient excavation and transportation solution to get this sludge to their off-site landfill.
End of September 2018 - Mid October 2018
During the bidding process, MetaFLO was engaged to provide an optimal blend and dosage rate to achieve the solids criteria required for excavation and transportation of the sludge. Using analytical data, MetaFLO estimated a dosage rate of 1.1% by weight (based on a high moisture content). Large mixing bins were recommended for increased surface contact and efficiency during the bucket mixing process. No sample was available at this time.
Tervita Corporation utilized MetaFLO reagent to solidify approximately 4,000 m3 of sludge. Two 35m3 bins were staged on site and were loaded with a composite of “heavier” and “lighter” sludges. The originally estimated dosage rate was accurate as actual treatment averaged approximately 30lbs of MetaFLO MF006 reagent per m3 of sludge. All material was safely shipped to Vale’s off-site landfill. The job was completed on time.