
Cementitious Binders

For Use In Brick, Block And Paver Manufacturing

Il problema in sintesi

The industry lacks environmentally friendly binders for cementitious applications that provide binding and resiliency with superior texture.

Panoramica del prodotto MetaFLO

CemenTech dramatically increases tensile strength and compressive strength with sterile tailings materials such as dolomite, quartz, bauxite, magnesite, brucite, hematite, magnetite, limestone and others, to create useful construction materials such as bricks, blocks and pavers. 

CemenTech enhances strength, flexibility and elasticity creating a longer lasting material. In concrete applications, additional elasticity means less cracking and a more resilient material. An added benefit is improved texture and surface quality, so your products perform and look better. The biopolymer can also improve the impermeability of the final material with less water usage compared to traditional methods.


CemenTech bonds molecularly to the waste material, forming a covalent bond that is stronger than the concrete itself, and is in fact the strongest bond found in chemistry, ensuring structural integrity.

The biopolymer is derived from Marine Algae, it reduces water usage in the process and also increases the flexibility and elasticity of the slurry mix.


increased durability

Enhanced Durability

Improve structural resilience against environmental factors.


Improved Surface Adhesion

Better textural adhesion with applied surface materials.

cost saving


Reduce long-term ownership maintenance and repair costs.

Casi di studio

MetaFLO’s cementitious binder additive allows industries to reuse inert waste to produce structurally sound bricks, blocks or pavers, helping save money, time and resources.