for Advanced Bio-Friendly Remediation of Contaminated Water
석유 및 가스(프래킹)
Contaminated Slurries and Sludges
산업 폐기물 처리
중금속 및 탄화수소로 오염된 토양과 물을 정화하기 위한 현장 또는 온사이트 및 오프사이트 시스템에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
광미 재분류.
석유 및 광업 운영이 규제 요건을 충족하고 주변 생태계를 보호할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
화학 결합을 끊을 수 있는 산화제 역할을 합니다.
슈퍼 산화제로서 반응 시간 가속화(반응에 추가 산소 공급)
유기 오염 물질을 파괴하는 뛰어난 산화력
환경 친화적: 오염 물질을 제거하고 물을 재사용할 수 있습니다.
더 깨끗한 공정으로 독성 수준이 낮은 광미를 생산할 수 있습니다.
특별한 장비가 추가로 필요하지 않습니다.
실험실에서 쉽게 검증되는 효능
기존 탱크 주입 구성을 사용하여 확장 가능
물속의 기름과 그리스 수준 감소
다양한 중금속을 동시에 제거할 수 있습니다.
알칼리화제 없이 폐수의 pH를 높입니다.
환경 규정을 준수하고 초과 달성하세요.
비용 효율적: 문제 해결 시간 및 관련 비용을 줄입니다.
안전: 작업자와 주변 커뮤니티에 대한 위험 최소화

"Copper solution with a concentration of 4% — before and after RemTech application."
"RemTech enables the elimination of different heavy metals simultaneously, offering the opportunity to reuse water in the industrial process."
An Additive for Contaminated Water, Fracking, Landfill Leachate, Ponds, Lakes and Waterways.
This advanced remediation technology is ideal for industries seeking effective and environmentally responsible solutions for contaminated liquids.
For produced water, RemTech is able ot convert suspended hydrocarbons into paraffins and precipitate metals from the solution, even at low dosages. RemTech's chemistry can also be used effectively in any contaminated liquid, whether from mining, oil and gas, or manufacturing.

RemTech Benefits
Compared to other chemical reagents such as oxidants, flocculants, and coagulants, RemTech has rapid action, does not generate waste that needs to be treated, does not wear out process equipment, and does not require specific equipment.
Tests have shown that RemTech is highly effective in removing BTEX compounds (Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes) and both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Ease of use.
Versatile application - different types of hydrocarbons.
Safety and Sustainability.
No waste generation, allowing in some cases the production of paraffins and other inert components.
Solutions for Advanced Bio-Friendly Remediation
For Treatment of Contaminated Water, Fracking, Black Waters, Ponds, Lakes, and Waterways. RemTech has been formulated for use in-situ for remediation of water contaminated with Heavy Metals and Hydrocarbons.
Treatment can be through Traditional In-Situ Methodologies or through the use of an On-Site andOff-Site Propietary Modified Fenton System.
The treatment process is quick and easy to perform and can be done on the platform itself.
How should RemTech be used in contaminated water treatment?
RemTech should be used as a simple additive, added to the existing process. It can be dosed directly into the water as it has high solubility.
How much do I need to use?
The dosage for RemTech depends on the types of existing contaminants (more complex and high molecular weight hydrocarbons) and the concentration of the contaminants. However, in general, low dosages are sufficient for treatment, with as little as 0.5% being effective.
사례 연구
MetaFLO’s biopolymer provides advanced bio-friendly remediation of contaminated water such as effluents, helping companies save costs, increase productivity and protect the environment.
MetaFLO’s study reveals unmatched cost savings, productivity gains, and environmental benefits for treating hydrocarbons on an effluent.
당사의 바이오폴리머
메타플로 바이오폴리머는 먼지 억제부터 금 추출에 이르기까지 다양한 응용 분야에 비용 효율적인 솔루션을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 당사의 제품은 환경적으로 안전하고 사용하기 쉬우며 특정 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤화할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 문의하세요.