Ditch Witch partners with Metaflo Technologies, offering Solidification Reagents
Dumping liquid spoils from directional drilling is highly regulated, costly and time consuming. To combat these challenges, Ditch Witch®, a Charles Machine Works Company, has partnered with MetaFLO Technologies to be the exclusive provider of SolidState™ 2 and SolidState™ 6 solidification reagents. This partnership will provide a more accessible and efficient process for the solidification of drilling spoils to an extended network of users and contractors.
자세히 보기Wastewater Lagoon Cleanout
Sewer plants in Carbonne Shire, NSW, Australia have a problem with their waste activated sludge (WAS). This material is typically collected in sludge lagoons designed to collect the sludge as it settles out and release the excess water.
자세히 보기Hydrovac On-Site Solution
Shipping hydrovac mud for disposal out of downtown Toronto reduces productivity and is very costly. These restrictions and costs were a challenge for Crosslinx at the Bayview Station construction site. Not only was Crosslinx able to maximize their productive hours per day with their hydrovac equipment – they only require that single hydrovac to complete daily activities.
자세히 보기Wet or Dry – MetaFLO Solves Excess Soil Challenges
Our solutions for these challenges have diverted millions of cubic metres of soil from landfill to beneficial reuse applications, reduced the carbon footprint of construction work by thousands of tonnes, eliminated the doubt about where excess soils have been deposited and this has all happened while our solutions have reduced the cost of managing these excess soil inventories.
자세히 보기The Business of Dirt
산학 협력 연구 프로젝트는 지적 전문 지식뿐만 아니라 첨단 실험실 장비와 저렴한 노동력(학생)을 이용할 수 있다는 점에서 특히 중소기업(중소기업)에 매우 유익할 수 있습니다. 산학협력을 위해 이용할 수 있는 다양한 자금 조달 경로가 있으므로 중소기업은 이를 통해 자원을 더 잘 활용하고 투자 대비 최대의 효과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
자세히 보기Industry Academic Collaboration
산학 협력 연구 프로젝트는 지적 전문 지식뿐만 아니라 첨단 실험실 장비와 저렴한 노동력(학생)을 이용할 수 있다는 점에서 특히 중소기업(중소기업)에 매우 유익할 수 있습니다. 산학협력을 위해 이용할 수 있는 다양한 자금 조달 경로가 있으므로 중소기업은 이를 통해 자원을 더 잘 활용하고 투자 대비 최대의 효과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
자세히 보기New Year’s Regulations
It’s going to be an exciting year at MetaFLO Technologies. We have more backlogged projects and are receiving more inquiries from interested organizations than ever before. One common theme from this activity – new regulations, guidelines and enforcement from jurisdictions all over North America.
자세히 보기Pipeline Construction Process Improvement
Pipeline owners are making incremental work process improvements behind the scenes using MetaFLO’s liquid waste solidification technology. MetaFLO provides technology that facilitates the solidification of liquid waste streams into solid material. Organizations that put pipeline in the ground benefit from this proven technology to manage the drill waste fluids and cuttings generated from this work process.
자세히 보기Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced by MetaFLO
Major energy projects to factor in greenhouse gas emissionsMetaFLO’s patented solidification technology has already been shown to significantly improve the disposal of waste drilling fluid, by reducing risk, greenhouse gas emissions, and overall cost. At MetaFLO, we believe that there is always a better solution, and we strive to enhance our proven technology to even greater heights.
자세히 보기Municipal Landfills Benefit from MetaFLO Treatment
MetaFLO’s patented solutions are well aligned with the needs of municipal landfills and present a departure from traditional methods of managing slurry waste streams. Heavy liquid waste streams such as hydro excavation mud or horizontal directional drilling (HDD) fluids can be solidified in the field with a very low dose of MetaFLO reagent reducing carbon footprint, waste volume, cost and risk.
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