
메타플로 기술

How does MetaFLO do it? Sorption.

By MetaFLO / 10월 15, 2015

Seeing our products work for the first time often gets the same response as a street magician does with a surprising card trick. We at MetaFLO are accustomed to seeing liquids turn into solids before our eyes, but many new clients are not. A first time observation of our solidification capabilities usually leads the observer to ask, “How can that be, how does it work?”

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Drill Fluid Disposal More Cost-effective Upstream

Drill Fluid Disposal More Cost-effective Upstream

By MetaFLO / 9월 17, 2015

If you have been following the media recently on the subject of waste soil disposal in Ontario, you will have heard that many ‘clean fill’ dump sites are contaminated with poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. The subject has received comment from Ontario’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Glen Murray, describing the problem as a “serious issue” in Ontario.

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