2015 年,加拿大一家大型天然气配送公司必须进行施工作业,以升级其现有的配送系统。为了减少对地面道路和自然栖息地的干扰,施工方采用了水平定向钻(HDD)技术。为该项目计划了 20 个大型钻孔(36 英寸和 42 英寸)。
HDD operations were anticipated to generate 60,000m3 in need of drill waste management. During some portions of the project, there would be five drill sites operating concurrently.
Much of this project took place in an urban centre along a utilities corridor providing limited space for waste solidification operations.
This waste stream is classified as ‘liquid industrial waste’ by Ontario regulations. The cost to transport and dispose of this waste as a liquid is very high. The carbon footprint and safety risk associated with the transportation of this volume of liquid was also very high.
As a result, the project proponent determined the lowest cost, disruption, risk, and carbon footprint could all be achieved with on-site liquid solidification and developed a scope of work with zero liquid waste to be shipped off site.
MetaFLO’s licensee, Allstream Waste Solutions (AWS), was awarded the contract to provide drill waste management on site. AWS mobilized to each job site with multiple pieces of equipment including two MetaFLO LMS 3 mixing units, semi-solid mixer and dozens of open top bins custom designed for managing heavy drill cuttings.
The lighter drill fluids were to be solidified at very low dose rates using the MetaFLO LMS 3 units and MetaFLO’s proprietary reagent MF002. The heavy drill cuttings were to be mixed with a semi-solids mixer or the bins (seen below) with MetaFLO’s MF006 at even lower dosage rates due to the high quantity of solids in that waste stream.
AWS managed all environmental analysis and final disposal of solidified waste. Based on individual, pilot hole analytical results, final disposal sites were chosen by AWS and approved by the project owner. Once solidified, the waste drill fluids met criteria of clean fill and was used in a rehab project further reducing the environmental impact of this project.
It is estimated our client achieved greater than a 30% cost savings in the management of this waste stream. The compact design of MetaFLO equipment, efficient site operations and large volume, above ground containment capacity provided by AWS meant that no in ground sumps were required and no off site transportation to was necessary. AWS’s equipment and vehicle inventory was able to handle many sites simultaneously. Finally, the MetaFLO system eliminated thousands of truck hours drastically reducing the carbon footprint of the waste management operations.
业主 淡水河谷加拿大有限公司
承包商: Tervita 公司
经销商: Di-Corp
2018 年 9 月底 - 2018 年 10 月中旬
在竞标过程中,MetaFLO 参与提供了最佳的混合料和加料率,以达到污泥挖掘和运输所需的固体标准。MetaFLO 利用分析数据估算出的剂量率为 1.1%(按重量计)(基于高含水量)。建议使用大型搅拌桶,以增加表面接触,提高桶搅拌过程的效率。目前尚未获得样本。
Tervita 公司利用 MetaFLO 试剂固化了约 4,000 立方米的污泥。现场有两个 35 立方米的垃圾箱,装载着 "较重 "和 "较轻 "的污泥。最初估计的用量是准确的,因为实际处理平均每立方米污泥大约需要 30 磅 MetaFLO MF006 试剂。所有材料都被安全地运往淡水河谷的场外垃圾填埋场。工作按时完成。