HDD Mud Solidification in Multiple Bore Project



MetaFLO’s licensee was contracted to provide service on a large Ontario gas distribution upgrade project. Nearly 50 bores were drilled using horizontal directional drilling technology to complete this upgrade. MetaFLO’s licensee was required to process the resulting liquid waste which totaled more than 500,000 gallons of directional drill mud.


In order to find optimal final disposal costs, the MetaFLO licensee sourced a reclamation project in need of beneficial reuse clean fill centrally located for the drill sites. Operating under the required permits, our licensee used their mobile MetaFLO LMS 3 to perform HDD mud solidification for the non-hazardous waste drill fluid. As a result, our clients enjoyed reduced cost for transportation and disposal, reduced risk by eliminating many trucks and transportation of liquid waste over the road and were compliant with all provincial liquid waste management regulations.


The non-contaminated drill mud was successfully treated with an average reagent dose of under 1.5% (by weight) eliminating the need for further liquid waste treatment. An estimated 1,000 hours of trucking were eliminated as well. Because the treated solids met requirements for beneficial reuse, we were able to prevent the unnecessary landfilling and associated cost to our client of approximately 5,000m3 of clean soil.



业主 淡水河谷加拿大有限公司
承包商: Tervita 公司
经销商: Di-Corp





2018 年 9 月底 - 2018 年 10 月中旬


在竞标过程中,MetaFLO 参与提供了最佳的混合料和加料率,以达到污泥挖掘和运输所需的固体标准。MetaFLO 利用分析数据估算出的剂量率为 1.1%(按重量计)(基于高含水量)。建议使用大型搅拌桶,以增加表面接触,提高桶搅拌过程的效率。目前尚未获得样本。


Tervita 公司利用 MetaFLO 试剂固化了约 4,000 立方米的污泥。现场有两个 35 立方米的垃圾箱,装载着 "较重 "和 "较轻 "的污泥。最初估计的用量是准确的,因为实际处理平均每立方米污泥大约需要 30 磅 MetaFLO MF006 试剂。所有材料都被安全地运往淡水河谷的场外垃圾填埋场。工作按时完成。