كيف تقوم MetaFLO بذلك؟ الامتصاص.

إن رؤية منتجاتنا تعمل للمرة الأولى غالبًا ما تحصل على نفس الاستجابة التي يحصل عليها ساحر الشارع مع خدعة البطاقات المدهشة. نحن في MetaFLO معتادون على رؤية السوائل تتحول إلى مواد صلبة أمام أعيننا، ولكن العديد من العملاء الجدد ليسوا كذلك. وعادةً ما تؤدي الملاحظة الأولى لقدراتنا في التصلب إلى أن يتساءل المراقب: "كيف يمكن أن يكون ذلك، كيف يعمل؟

The answer is sorption.

The difference with MetaFLO’s sorption process is the incorporation of our cutting edge chemistry with our proprietary, ultra high-shear mixing systems. Also, our collection of environmentally friendly, engineered reagent blends allows us to choose the right solution for each waste stream in order to achieve the most efficient liquid waste solidification process possible.

Types of Sorption

There are two types of sorption. The first is one everyone knows about which is ‘absorption’. Of course this is what you use a sponge or paper towel for. Wikipedia describes absorption as: “the incorporation of a substance in one state into another of a different state” (e.g., liquids being absorbed by a solid or gases being absorbed by a liquid).

The other type of sorption is ‘adsorption’, described as the physical adherence or bonding of ions and molecules onto the surface of another phase (e.g., reagents adsorbed to a solid catalyst surface). This is what you’re doing when you add kitty litter to a patch of oil in your driveway.

The Wikipedia link below does a great job of explaining it with graphics.


Whether it’s absorption or adsorption, we’ll help you to find the right solution to achieve the lowest cost and risk as well as the highest regulatory compliance for managing your liquid waste stream.