Solidification Reagents (MF)

Revolutionizing Liquid Waste Solidification

MetaFLO is the leading provider of innovative, environmentally friendly chemistry and unique reagent delivery systems for the treatment of liquid waste streams.

Simply put, we help people rapidly turn liquid waste into a manageable solid at the site of fluid generation.


Oil & Gas Drilling (MF002, MF008)


Reduce risk and liability, improve safety on site

Reduce costs of managing liquid waste

Reduce your environmental impact

✓ Fluides à base d'eau

✓ Lflux de déchets liquides

✓ Semi-solides à base d'eau

✓ Applications pétrolières et gazières

Biopolymers (Tech)

Revolutionizing Industrial Processes

At MetaFLO, we know that the industrial sector faces unique challenges. That's why we've developed a suite of innovative biopolymers designed to increase efficiency, enhance environmental compliance and streamline operations.

Discover how our solutions can revolutionize your operations.


Soil Stabilization: road construction base and sub-base stabilization and dust control (SoilTech, DusTech)

Mining: precious mineral (gold) extraction enhancement, cyanide reduction, reaction acceleration (ExtracTech)

Oil and Gas: advanced remediation of produced water (RemTech)

Binders: for the production of bricks, pavers and similar materials (CemenTech)


Reduce costs

Achieve environmental compliance

Improve operational efficiency

Stabilisation des sols

✓ Suppression des poussières 

✓ Extraction de l'or et réduction du cyanure

✓ Assainissement de l'eau

✓ Amélioration du ciment