Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

Innovation In Water-Based Fluid Disposal

Issue at a Glance

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a construction technique in which a tunnel is drilled under a waterway or other designated area, and a pipeline or other utility is pulled through the drilled underground tunnel. This process generates liquid slurry waste that requires disposal.

Liquid slurry disposal is often costly and environmentally hostile when not managed properly.

Traditional methods are inefficient, slow and expensive.

The process for liquid slurry disposal often looks like this:

  1. Specialized vacuum trucks transport the slurry to a transfer station
  2. Bulking agents such as sawdust are used (usually bulking the slurry up by 50-200%)
  3. Dump trucks transport the increased waste load to a final disposal site

This means more trucks needed, more time wasted and higher disposal costs incurred.

Overview of MetaFLO's product

MetaFLO reagents are non-toxic inert solidification reagent that rapidly absorbs water and helps waste pass the Paint Filter Test (PFT). It is applied to water-based fluids such as drill fluid, jet grouting and mining waste.

With MetaFLO, liquid slurry disposal is optimized:

  1. MetaFLO’s technology solidifies the liquid waste on-site
  2. The solidified waste is transferred to dump trucks to be transported directly to the final disposal site.

The benefits are clear with our patented process:

  • Cost savings
  • Fewer trucks needed
  • No expensive liquid transport
  • Reduction in GHG emissions
  • Control of waste
  • Compliance for client
  • Soil reused as clean, regenerative fill material
  • Less paperwork involved

MetaFLO Technologies can work with operations personnel to help put together a tailored and effective plan to address the challenges of water-based fluid waste.

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Significantly reduce transportation costs

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Minimize environmental and safety risks

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Sustainable and efficient waste management

Case Studies

MetaFLO’s technology cuts GHG emissions by 67% and turns liquid waste into reusable resources, supporting a cleaner future for urban infrastructure.
