Case Studies

Utilities A Hydro Excavation Case Study

Utilities and Hydro Excavation

By MetaFLO | August 12, 2021

The company had directed that all wet spoils and fluids generated from underground operations and maintenance activities be brought back to their own sites. Ultimately, the company significantly simplified their liquid waste disposal process and reduced total costs by almost 30%.

Before and after reagent

Dewatering vs Solidification

By MetaFLO | March 14, 2018

Industry-academic collaborative research projects can be extremely beneficial, especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), as they can provide access to not only intellectual expertise, but more importantly, access to advanced laboratory equipment and low cost labour (students). There are numerous funding routes that are available for industry-academic collaborations, which allow SMEs to better leverage their resources and get the most bang-for-their-buck.

Buried Infrastructure

Complexities of Addressing Buried Infrastructure

By MetaFLO | March 7, 2018

Industry-academic collaborative research projects can be extremely beneficial, especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), as they can provide access to not only intellectual expertise, but more importantly, access to advanced laboratory equipment and low cost labour (students). There are numerous funding routes that are available for industry-academic collaborations, which allow SMEs to better leverage their resources and get the most bang-for-their-buck.

Solidification of Storm Water Pond Sediment

Solidification of Storm Water Pond Sediment

By MetaFLO | November 9, 2015

The naturally occurring sediment in this storm water management pond had exceeded the pond’s designed capacity. The regional conservation authority planned the remediation of this pond to involve the removal of this sediment. The volume of sediment to be removed was very large, thus the cost to transport and dispose of this wet muck would be very costly.

Drill Waste Management for Gas Distribution Upgrade

Drill Waste Management for Gas Distribution Upgrade

By MetaFLO | October 29, 2015

In 2015, a major Canadian natural gas distribution company had to perform construction operations to upgrade its existing distribution system. To mitigate the disturbance of the surface level roads and natural habitats, the proponent utilized horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology. Twenty large bores (36″ and 42″) were planned for this project.

MetaFLO Technologies

Hydro Excavation Mud – Pipeline Integrity Test

By MetaFLO | October 29, 2015

Pipeline integrity testing often requires hydro excavation to expose a segment of pipe for inspection. The resulting hydro excavation muds are often a regulated, challenging to dispose of and in some cases, contaminated. In 2015, MetaFLO licensee KBL was contracted by a major Canadian pipeline operator in Alberta to provide the solidification and disposal of 200 m3 of this waste.

Landfill Leachate West Virgina

Landfill Leachate West Virgina

By MetaFLO | August 13, 2015

Pipeline integrity testing often requires hydro excavation to expose a segment of pipe for inspection. The resulting hydro excavation muds are often a regulated, challenging to dispose of and in some cases, contaminated. In 2015, MetaFLO licensee KBL was contracted by a major Canadian pipeline operator in Alberta to provide the solidification and disposal of 200 m3 of this waste.

MetaFLO Technologies

Enbridge Gas Distribution Pipeline Project

By MetaFLO | August 12, 2015

The Georgian Bay Pipeline Project was necessary to meet growing need for natural gas in that region. The new pipeline was 20 kilometers and 12” diameter. The route for the pipe included 30 road, rail and river crossings which would require horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to complete. Spent HDD fluids and cuttings are a regulated waste in Ontario and very costly to transport and dispose of. An estimated 250,000 gallons (940,000 litres) of spent drill mud would be in need of disposal.

Drilling Waste in Quebec

Drilling Waste in Quebec

By MetaFLO | August 12, 2015

Driller for major gas distributor requires cost effective solution for disposing of drilling waste in Quebec near Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport. The drill site was in an urban setting with high traffic volume. Drill spoils waste was too liquid and would not be accepted by local disposal site.

Mud Disposal California Hydro Excavation

Mud Disposal California – Hydro Excavation

By MetaFLO | August 12, 2015

A California electrical utility performing regular maintenance performs regular hydroexcavation work. The resulting soil slurry must be tested before disposal. Transport and disposal of this liquid waste is very costly. On this occasion, there were 17,000 gallons to dispose of.