
Ideal for solidification of water based fluids

Such as drill fluids, jet grouting, mining waste


✓ Directional drilling fluid

✓ Oil & Gas

✓ Municipal Waste

✓ Contaminated slurry

✓ Mixed transfer station sludge


✓ Sawdust

✓ Lime

✓ Other dry amendments


✓ Ideal for drill fluid waste or similar waste

✓ Clay Component

✓ Help meet Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for heavy metals

✓ Under favourable, dry conditions, can reduce weight and volume up to 20%

✓ Immediately converts drill fluids to a solid

✓ Creates a dry, stackable solid for easy handling

✓ Helps waste pass Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (EPA Method 1311)

✓ Helps waste pass paint filter criteria

✓ Immobilizes contaminants

✓ Passes Microtoxicity

✓ Minimal humidity effects

✓ Landfill friendly

MF002 Product Specification


MF002 Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


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Our Products

MetaFLO’s reagents turn industrial liquid waste streams into solids in minutes. By simply adding a minimal dosage of MetaFLO’s proprietary formulations to industrial liquid waste from processes like HDD, drilling, boring, tunneling, micro-tunneling and hydro excavations, these reagents absorb excess water and immobilize any contaminants.

All MetaFLO solidification products are environmentally safe and are applied to help meet environmental solids criteria for wet spoils. The solidified material will also immobilize metals and hydrocarbons and can safely go to landfill directly from the generator site or can be applied at liquid transfer stations prior to disposal.

MetaFLO produces reagents for many different applications. We are also able to design a reagent mixture specifically for your waste stream. Contact us for more details.

✓ Liquid waste streams

✓ Water-based semi solids

✓ Oil and gas applications